Our Club

The Lawn Bowling club was founded in 1927 with the goal of creating and promoting a community of people from all ages and all spectrum of life in the famous Beverly Hills, California area. We offer group and private lessons for players of all ages and skill levels – from beginner to advanced.

Roxbury Park- home of BHLBC

Lawn bowling is a social but equally competitive activity. It’s a centuries old sports played on manicured green grass in the sunny outdoors. The game is easy to learn and enjoy right away, a rather inexpensive sport, and awesomely addicting! Lawn bowling (or bowls) began its resurgence in the US around 1900, and came to Beverly Hills in 1926. It’s a game that men and women, skilled and unskilled, can play side-by-side as teammates or opponents. As easy as it is to learn, it’s also challenging to perfect. While working on delivering the bowl you must have your mind focused and be prepared with a winning strategy.

About the game

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

No experience NEEDED

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion


Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion


Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Bowls can be provided

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Make new friends

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

its a world wide game

who runs the club

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Bill Wolf

*Certified Coach

Bill Wolff was a cabinetmaker in New York for over 20 years. He moved to LA in 1992 and continued his career. Because of many weekend installations at Creative Artists Agency, he often drove by the green and envied the peacefulness of the bowlers. As soon as he retired in 2000 he called the number on the sign, had a lesson, was made welcome, immediately loved the game, and never left. Not in a million years did he ever think his number would end up on the sign. 

He reluctantly became President in 2010 and worked hard to successfully grow the club. He especially enjoys using his creativity to make improvements on the green and for the club. He is very proud to be part of the reason BHLBC has one of the best greens in CA. 

Bill is only a fair bowler and has never won a tournament, but this does not diminish the fun he has bowling. In 2005 he was a member of the U.S. Maccabiah Team and after a solid week of bowling in Israel he once again did not win anything. But had a great time bowling against international teams and a extraordinary experience touring Israel.

Bill has seen a steady growth both in number and quality of bowlers at Beverly Hills and sees only good things for the club in the future.

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Ariyah Cohen

V. President
*Certified Coach

Ariyah has been a truly outstanding addition to the lawn bowling club. Although she has only been a member for a fairly short period of time – less than a year, in fact – her delightful, uplifting nature and charm have made her feel like part of the club for much longer. From the moment she attended her very first class, even though she had no prior experience of lawn bowling before, Ariyah was hooked. For her, the game is an intriguing, almost magical blend of pool and chase.It’s not just the game itself that she loves – the sense of community and camaraderie amongst the players is second to none, and she enjoys mixing with a diverse range of people from different age groups.

Ariyah was keen to get involved right from the start and was quickly recruited to serve on the board.

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Chuck Moffitt

*Certified Coach

Chuck Moffitt has been an athlete all his life. After a serious bicycle accident, he joined wife Gina on the green and has been hooked every since. You’ll find him every weekend on the Roxbury green. Says Chuck: “Lawn bowling is fun, challenging, and leads to way fewer near-death events than long distance bike riding.” The Moffitts have three grown children and four granddaughters, none of whom has ever done anything wrong. Chuck still works as chairman of a company that makes lasers for research and industry, and had prior jobs as a U.S. State Department diplomat, Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles, and many years as a consultant turning around failing businesses.

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Will Allegra – Gaofalo


Originally from Virginia, Will first learned about lawn bowls in 2019 when he moved to Beverly Hills just a few blocks away from the green. Much like many of our American members, he’d never heard of the game before stumbling upon it by accident. He found the game irritating and fun, and can’t seem to stay away ever since. He’s never bowled competitively and does not plan to—he more so hangs around for the personalities and occasional baked good. As a documentary editor by trade, he has also become the de facto club videographer/photographer. Will is pretty sure he’s the youngest member of the exec board as well which is something he makes sure to emphasize often.

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Cheryl Barkovich

*Certified Coach

Cheryl is a graduate of Michigan where she lettered in 3 sports: Field Hokey, Volleyball and Basketball. She have been an athlete her whole life, so when she retired she though she would take up Bocce Ball at Roxbury park.

However, at her first lesson, Bill said it was lawn Bowling, not back… I said ok, I will try it, and from that first lesson she was hooked. then it got even better and better as she found out about all the tournaments and teams. 

So, for the past 14 years Cheryle has been emjoyingLaen Bowling. She has been playing in many tournament, winning in some as well and have been a proud member of Team USA for the past 8 years.Lawn bowling has allowed her to feed competitive spirit and travel to many places in the US and out of the US, places like Hong Kong,China, Malaysia, Wales and Canada for competitions. 

As a board member, she hope to contribute her  experience and love the game to make Beverly Hills Lawn Bowling Club a friendly and inviting atmosphere for all bowlers.

Lawn Bowling is a great exercise for any age and is played in the lovely southern California weather. For 2.5 hours you can forget you troubles and enjoy seeing friends, having friendly or competitive games. Try it, you might love it!!!


Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Angel Rocha

*Certified Coach

As an experienced member of BHLBC, I am humbled by the rich history the club has made in the sport of bowls. Through the years, I have had the pleasure of travelling extensively, networking with players worldwide, and participating in highly competitive events, all attributed to my passion for lawn bowling. My appreciation for BHLBC stems from its remarkable environment, dedicated to nurturing personal growth and development, coupled with extensive support for every player.

As a longstanding board member, it is my pledge to ensure that everyone who steps onto the green at BHLBC is warmly welcomed and esteemed. Our club treasures an indelible sense of fun, unity and camaraderie, extending far beyond the green. Going forward, I will work to safeguard the spirit of this excellent community. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, I assure you that a visit to BHLBC will offer an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy the sport and live moments that inspire you for years to come.

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Angel Lopez

*Certified Coach

Angel originally belonged to the Friendly Valley Lawn Bowling Club, which hosts an annual tournament. One year, some members from the Beverly Hills LBC came and participated in their tournament The members of Beverly Hills were all super nice and good sports. They all noticed Angel’s amazing skills and invited him to come play at their club. At first, Angel was hesitant, but they all made me feel so welcome! And the best part? Not only did I improve my game by playing with the members of the Beverly Hills LBC, but I also met a lot of wonderful people who I now bowl within various tournaments. He is very grateful for the opportunity and in his word: “I honestly can’t thank BHLBC enough for all that they’ve done for me”. He is a certified coach, which gives him the ability to help members from his own club enjoy the sport even more!

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Gina Moffitt

*Certified Coach

Gina Gilbert Moffitt is a busy architect with her award-winning practice (Kiyohara Moffitt) in downtown Los Angeles since 1987. She got her architecture
degree from UC Berkeley and designs custom residential and commercial projects. Gina is married to Chuck (whom she coerced into lawn bowling and at which he has excelled), has adult twin daughters, a son, and four granddaughters. During the pandemic, a dear friend urged her to come to Roxbury Park on a Saturday and take a bowling lesson with her. She was skeptical, never having played a sport….but was hooked after that first lesson. It’s always challenging, and always fun. She loves participating in
tournaments primarily to learn from the excellent players who compete and feels so fortunate to play a game in which a novice can compete alongside world-class players. And she is proud to belong to a club with one of the very best greens around. But the best part about being a lawn bowler in Beverly Hills is the people: the wonderful mix of ages and backgrounds and the camaraderie.

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion

Rudy Uribe

Board Member

Rudy Uribe was a program director of KLAC Radio in Los Angeles and president of 1-Day Paint & Body Centers. He is married to Catherine and has two children, Evan and Olivia.

“I got into the game when a lady from church kept inviting me and my wife to join her and her husband for lawn bowling. I resisted telling my wife the game wasn’t challenging enough. Well, in my first outing, I lost to a ninety-four-year-old man. I got addicted and have never looked back. My wife, Catherine, and my daughter, Olivia, are tournament bowlers, and everyone at the club is happy to remind me that they are both better bowlers than me.”

The game is played outdoors on pristine greens in bright sunshine. It develops good balance, hand/eye coordination, and beautiful friendships. Join us every weekend at Roxbury Park. I promise you will be greeted with open arms, and you will have a game for a lifetime.


A Letter From Our President

Sport, Team, Club, Lawn Bowling, Game, Out Door, Style, Fashion, Dogs, Poodles

Dear future member,

The Beverly Hills Lawn Bowling Club has a rich and storied history spanning almost a century, nestled in the idyllic surroundings of Roxbury Park at the intersection of Roxbury and Olympic. In fact, the club has been an integral part of the park’s landscape, and the green is a testament to the deep-rooted tradition and legacy of the club that has only grown in strength over the years. As a proud and devoted member of the club since 2000, I can attest to the sheer thrill and delight of the game of bowls, which is not only physical but also mental and fiercely competitive, rivalling any other sport out there. But it’s not just about the game – the social aspects add a delightful touch to the fun and camaraderie. As the President of the club for ten years, I’ve seen the club grow in leaps and bounds, not to mention the remarkable development and maintenance of the green, a remarkable achievement indeed. So, if you’re up for a fascinating new challenge, I cordially invite you to come and try your hand at bowls. I guarantee you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how enchanting and enjoyable this ancient game truly is.

yours, Bill.

Frequently asked questions

Every Sat and Sun at 10am. 

Summer time there are social evening games

Our club have many sets for you to use. Buying bowls will be when you are ready. 

BHLBC provides the first class for free. Once you are a member you may come and practice as much as you wish. 

Membership is $125 for a year

On Social game days wear white, your choice of the garment. 

On tournaments we wear colorful outfit , matching our team players. 

YES! there are tournaments all year long. Local, domestic and international. 

Ready To Play?

Book Your Free Class Today